why donate?
Donations provide funds for our National Conference, Scholarship, Caring ARMs baskets, Medical Emergency and Travel Funds. All donations benefit families who navigate these chronic medical conditions every day.
Pull-thru Network, Inc. is a 501(c)(3) not-for-profit organization, administered by volunteers, that provides information, education, support and advocacy for families, children, teens and adults who are living with the challenges of congenital anorectal, colorectal or urogenital disorders.
Our PTN Board of Directors are all volunteers. 100% of donations go toward membership services.
Donations to Pull-thru Network are 100% tax deductible and are a vital part of the funding necessary to provide programs and services to Pull-thru Network members.
Online donations can be made by credit card, and apple/google pay (Donate Now button below). Upon request, we also accept donations through PayPal and Venmo. Please email info@pullthrunetwork.org for those options.
If you prefer, donations can be mailed to the Pull-thru Network office:
Pull-thru Network, Inc.
PO Box 797
Normal, Illinois 61761
Pull-thru Network accepts cash, checks and money orders. Donations should be in US Dollars.
Thank you so much for your support of the programs and services provided by Pull-thru Network.